
My name's matthew, I'm passionate about software engineering and cultivating communities.


I organize the seattle c++ meetup and seattle beer and code meetup.

open source

I help maintain proptest, a property testing framework for the Rust programming language, and I'm beginning work on an opentelemetry client for the Zig programming language.


I enjoy learning new areas of technology by buiding minimal hobbyist implementations -- most of the time my curiousity leads me towards low-level systems and tools. Some of the more exciting ones include an operating system kernel, a Vulkan-based renderer, a relational database, an implementation of http/2, and a few implementations of raft.


I am currently a software engineer at AWS working on S3 Express. Previously I worked on Elastic Container registry.

Before Aws, I worked at, EdApp and newtonx, two small startups where I helped build a mobile learning management system and b2b market research platform respectively.